Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year!

These pics were taken on the rooftop of my apartment building right when the clock struck 12 for the new year. To those far away, I wish you could have been there with me. To those nearby, I'm lucky to have your friendship in this city. As the above pics illustrate, I like how we can be serious or SILLY together! Thanks for making my life here so enjoyable.

When I look at these New Year pics, part of me is amazed that I've arrived in New York. I've made it, as they say (well, at least as far as my area code goes...maybe not according to my tiny, tiny bathroom). I've proven to myself that I can survive in NYC with a smile. I can pay the rent. I can run with the big dogs. It feels great to cross off this huge item on my childhood list of dreams. I'm really in love with this place, too. Many people say they want to live here, move here, and find numerous things they can't stand and get out, but I think it really gels with me. Mind you, there ARE those occasional days where NYC is kicking my butt, be it from the extreme bipolar weather, the tense pedestrian traffic during rush hour, or the ornery subway system, but overall I've gotten by just fine. In fact, NYC has improved me as a person, as a professional, as an artist, and even as a boyfriend. Living here now I see why I didn't really "fit" in other places. It's eye-opening to have that realization. Now that 2008 is here, I'm happy to report my continued residence for a little over two years! They say here that the first two years are the test, and if you make it beyond that then you're officially a New Yorker. Thank God I made it!

2008 resolutions*:
-Make more comics
-Eat healthier
-Update my website
-Travel with my boyfriend
-Keep a consistent work-out schedule
-Visit distant friends and family more
-Keep my flimsy blog going

(* may be terminated at any point)


v said...

justin! i DIG your groovy friends, man! 'SPECIALLY the goofy shot of 'em. i mean -who could ask for better, right? 2008 - happy, happy, joy, joy!

xoxoxoxo -

ps - i love my naughty holiday card.

David DeGrand said...

Looks like you guys had WAY more fun on New Years than I did! Hope 2008 is good to you, thanks for all the great comments throughout the year, it's been great getting to know you. Here's to many more!

this just in said...

Hey you guys. Good to hear from you! Thanks for the happiness in 2008 wishes. I'm glad you enjoyed your special Christmas card, Valarie! And David, you should be getting a card soon... (sorry it's late!!!)

mushroommeadows said...

Happy new year to you, too!

Campbellite said...

Love the art - you are so talented. I can't believe they altered your work, that's just wrong. Let us know when you get to SC again, we'd love to see you.

Joni & Senga