Friday, December 29, 2006

When fantasy and politcs collide

I did this illustration recently for an article that included several jokes to inspire holiday cheer. One of the jokes was about George Bush choosing between different rooms in Hell, and the other joke involved a gay genie. I hope my illustration sums up the content while adding a new twist in the form of a political cartoon. What do you think? Does it make sense? Does it stand on it's own?

I Hope you're spending time with friends during this week between Christmas and New Year's. This is the time for merriment and good cheer!

Monday, December 25, 2006

That's the spirit!

This truck was driving through Chinatown blaring Christmas music, forcefully spreading holiday cheer to all.

These Asian carolers were spotted near the truck singing all the Christmas standards: "Jingle Bells", etc.

I particularly enjoyed their accents on the "fa la la la la's".

I don't know about you, but the sight of a plush Frosty and Santa crucified on the back of a black SUV really makes my Christmas.

Okay, that's all for now...I've been too busy visiting with friends, opening presents, and stuffing my face with gingerbread men to post more. Plus, this season's shopping has really wiped me out! Whew, thank goodness it's over!

I hope you're all having a great holiday...

Monday, December 18, 2006


He's hot...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Christmas card

I thought I'd post one of my 2006 Christmas card designs, just to get ya'll in the mood.

The inside reads: "Merry Thin-ness!"

That's right, Santa's lost that weight, and he's looking fabulous. Did you hear the news? He divorced Mrs. Claus and is planning an appearance at the Golden Globes. Word on the street is that he's been seen partying with the newly single Britney Spears at various trendy nightclubs in LA. It's also alleged that he's filling out paperwork with two or three African nations in order to adopt!

I didn't post the other card designs because they were deemed too risque by the North Pole Elvish Board of Censors...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


hula seventy and her visual love affair with all things red has inspired me yet again.

Over at selfportraitchallenge, they announced this month's theme was the color RED. Seems fitting, considering Christmas is right around the corner. But beyond that, I think red is MY new favorite color. It used to be blue for it's calming quality, then I switched to green to match my eyes, but now...I dig red.

I staged a little scene of favorite red things above. There I am, smiling like some sort of evil, impish Christmas elf, gazing at the camera from my pile of accumulated red knick-knacks. (I think I need separate rooms for knick-knacks of every different color.)

But lets go back to Red. It's so vibrant! So urgent! So fiesty and fun! Firetrucks! Fireworks! Flamenco dancers!

Red means STOP!
Red means danger!
Red means emergency!

Did you know:
The eye is most sensitive to the color red.
Women can differentiate more shades of red than men.
Red light has a wavelength range of roughly 625–760 nm. Frequencies lower than this are called infrared, or below red and cannot be seen by human eyes, although some infrared frequencies can be felt as heat.

Is there any wonder why I love it so? What living, flesh and blood creature wouldn't respond to red?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Dating Game

I'll let you guess what this illustration is about.

I like how silly it turned out, despite the subject matter.