Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Makin' a list...

Another illo assignment for the gay weekly my bud works for. It was a fun challenge doing this one. By the way, this little guy's check-list is not autobiographical of the artist (heh heh). After finishing this, I decided the guy reminds me of that perky dentist character from those old Rankin/Bass Christmas specials!

Can you imagine if that little dentist had his own checklist? Ewwwwwwww...


Mark Ackland said...

I want to be IN-DEE-PEN-DENT! HAHAHA! I love that little gay dentist! Nice illo too! But I ultra love that ink sketch a litle further below...Nothin' beats looking at drawings that don't look over worked.

JustMe said...

Yes, that's what it is...I was trying to pinpoint what I didn't like about how this drawing came out, and you hit the nail on the head. I agree, I think I did overwork it. Thanks for the good eye...and thanks for the compliment on my ink sketch below.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! "Why am I such a mis? fit? I am not just a nit! wit!" What sweet holiday memories... Oh, but the claymational elf sex... the puppety elf-on-prospector lovin'... "Silver and Gold!! Silver and Gold..." Burl Ives... Abominable... Lost toys... I don't feel so good...

Anonymous said...

hey just checked out your curious little blog i like your illustrations! thx for the link ! i will link you too!!

JustMe said...

hey young world, you've just GOT to start a blog (or some sort of forum for your writing), because you have a unique and HILARIOUS perspective on things...

Thanks, cutesypoo!!! I only link to the CUTEST blogs out there, so of course your's was included! I dig your style.